Emma Walsh, a former student at Newtown High School, created this survey for the purpose of seeing the before and after effects of the F.U.N. event environments. One of the goals at each of these themed events is to be a positive, entertaining experience for all attendees. To test this claim, starting at the April 2021 Easter event, Emma distributed paper copies of the face image (seen to the right) before and after the event. Attendees were asked to circle which face best represented their mood before and after the event took place. The goal of this was to see if attendees were actually happier after the F.U.N. event. As you can see by the graph (seen on the right), the before data (blue) shows a mix of 3, 4, and 5 ratings while the after data (red) shows all survey takers have a very happy rating of 5.
This survey can also be implemented into all future F.U.N. events.